Renault Key Card Replacement Cost

Renault key cards have multi-purpose buttons which can be used to control a range of functions, including the ability to lock and activate lights and horns. They can also be used to set the alarm for your car. They are extremely useful, however they can also be frustrating when the buttons stop working.

Created by Renault 20 years ago the hands-free card has gone through many changes. This is how the hands-free cards changed our use of automobiles.

How it works

When the Renault hands-free card was first launched in the year 2000, it was envisioned to be an excellent accessory that would enable drivers to unlock their cars without the need to remove the ignition key or reach for their keys. However, over the years Renault have been working to make this key feature even more efficient and user friendly.

The hands-free key card, a practical alternative for keys with remotes or a key fob was first introduced in 2001 as a part of the Laguna II saloon. The designers at Renault were influenced by the idea after the product’s lead observed a hotel guest use their room key to open and close the door with the card. The hands-free card developed was so popular that it was incorporated into two out of three Renault vehicles including the Espace minivan as well as the Vel Satis minivan.

If you’ve ever tried the Renault card key to start the car, and the buttons didn’t work, it could be that the card is experiencing internal problems. This is a problem that could develop over time because of repeated use and pressure on the tiny circuitry in the card.

UK Auto Locksmiths have a variety of Renault keys and cards on hand and are often able to cut and program a brand new one on the same day after receiving your phone call. This is a better option over going back to the dealer, where you’ll need wait for weeks for the new key to arrive from France.


Renault key cards allow you to control the car without having to touch anything. They can unlock doors, turn on lights and horns in order to draw the attention of others, or even set off alarms to discourage thieves. They can also limit the speed of vehicles and the volume of audio systems and other measures to enhance safety of drivers.

The hands-free card was first created by Renault in 1998 and has been a huge hit with consumers across the globe. The tiny device that is just a little bigger than a standard credit card, was initially viewed as a gadget fit for 007, but it has since revolutionized the manner people drive and improved comfort levels.

The hands-free card is among of the most sought-after car accessories in the world, and it’s popularity continues to grow: as of 2021, it was present in two out of three Renault vehicles. In the near future it could even replace smartphones.

Renault key cards might be prone to issues, such as not being recognized after inserting in the reader or showing a message saying “insert” or “card detected”. The problem can be fixed but only by locksmiths. This is because a keycard must be programmed to a specific vehicle, and it can only do this once. Locksmiths can provide you with an alternative to your Renault key card and will do it for just a fraction of what is charged by most dealerships.


Renault key cards have a unique appearance and feel. They work the same as a chipped key, but with one major difference they can be used to start and open the car without having to open the door lock. They are able to accomplish this due to a transponder installed inside. This chip transmits an alert to the immobiliser and allows it to start the engine.

When these key cards are lost, it can be a real pain. The majority of people can replace them for a fraction of what dealerships charge. A qualified locksmith can handle this for you, and they can also fix any issues that may arise with your Renault key card.

Many people think that the only way to replacing the lost Renault key card is to visit a local dealership and order it through them. This can be a long process and can prevent you from driving your car for a few days waiting for the key to be delivered. However, a professional auto locksmith is able to handle this for you, and they can replace the lost Renault key card in the same day you lose it. This will save you time and money. They’ll also be able to repair any issues you have associated with your Renault key card, including damaged or cracked board inside the card.


Renault key cards allow motorists to turn on ignitions, alarms, and other systems without physically touching the vehicle. They can also lock the doors, turn on the lights on, or even trigger the car’s horn to catch people’s attention. renault clio key fob comes with a cost: if you lose the Renault key card, it’ll cost you a lot to replace it.

One of the best ways to save money on a replacement Renault key card is to employ a locksmith. They have the equipment and expertise to create the replacement key card for Renault in Dublin at only a fraction of the cost you would pay a dealership. Compare prices to ensure that you get the best price.

Renault key cards may cease to function for a variety of reasons. A message stating “insert card” or “card not detectable” is a common issue. These issues usually indicate that the chip inside of the key card is damaged. It is possible to have the chip repaired but the cost of this repair can be high and will not always work.

It is best to replace your key card as quickly as you can without delay, unless you have an extra Renault. You might not be in a position to begin your vehicle if you wait too long.